
List of Declared Mental Health Facilities Nsw

New South Wales Consolidated Acts

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          - As at 25 March 2021  - Act 8 of 2007        TABLE OF PROVISIONS        Long Title        CHAPTER 1 - PRELIMINARY           1.      Name of Act    2.      Commencement    3.      Objects of Act    4.      Definitions        CHAPTER 2 - VOLUNTARY ADMISSION TO FACILITIES           5.      Admission on own request    6.      Voluntary admission of children    7.      Voluntary admission of persons under guardianship    8.      Discharge of voluntary patients    9.      Review of voluntary patients    10.     Detention of voluntary patients in mental health facilities    11.     Review of decisions made by authorised medical officer to refuse admission or discharge voluntary patient        CHAPTER 3 - INVOLUNTARY ADMISSION AND TREATMENT IN AND OUTSIDE FACILITIES                PART 1 - REQUIREMENTS FOR INVOLUNTARY ADMISSION, DETENTION AND TREATMENT           12.     General restrictions on detention of persons    13.     Criteria for involuntary admission etc as mentally ill person or mentally disordered person    14.     Mentally ill persons    15.     Mentally disordered persons    16.     Certain words or conduct may not indicate mental illness or disorder          PART 2 - INVOLUNTARY DETENTION AND TREATMENT IN MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES        Division 1 - Preliminary           17.     Definitions        Division 2 - Admission to and initial detention in mental health facilities           18.     When a person may be detained in mental health facility    19.     Detention on certificate of medical practitioner or accredited person    19A.    Examination by audio visual link for purposes of mental health certificate    20.     Detention on information of ambulance officer    21.     Police assistance    22.     Detention after apprehension by police    23.     Detention after order for medical examination or observation    24.     Detention on order of Magistrate or bail officer    25.     Detention after transfer from another health facility    26.     Detention on request of designated carer, principal care provider, relative or friend    27.     Steps for medical examination requirements for ongoing detention in mental health facility    27A.    Examinations by medical practitioners or accredited persons for purposes of detention    28.     Obligations of examining medical practitioners and accredited persons    28A.    Tribunal to be informed if detained person is a forensic patient    29.     Treatment of persons detained in mental health facilities    30.     Assessable persons may be reclassified as voluntary patients    31.     Limited detention of mentally disordered persons    32.     Detention on order of Magistrate or bail officer    33.     Actions may be delayed because of other illnesses or conditions        Division 3 - Continuing detention in mental health facilities           34.     Mental health inquiries to be held    35.     Purpose and findings of mental health inquiries    36.     Adjournments    37.     Reviews of involuntary patients by Tribunal    38.     Purpose and findings of reviews of involuntary patients    39.     Medical examination of involuntary patients    40.     Re-classification of involuntary patients as voluntary patients    41.     Discharge on making of community treatment order    42.     Discharge of involuntary patients on own application    43.     Discharge of involuntary patients on application of designated carer or principal care provider    43A.    Tribunal to be informed of discharge of a forensic patient    44.     Appeals against discharge refusals    45.     Review and discharge of absent patients        Division 4 - Leave of absence from mental health facilities           46.     Application of Division    47.     Leave of absence on compassionate grounds, medical grounds or other grounds    48.     Apprehension of persons not permitted to be absent from mental health facility    49.     Police assistance          PART 3 - INVOLUNTARY TREATMENT IN THE COMMUNITY        Division 1 - Applications for and making of community treatment orders           50.     Definitions    51.     Community treatment orders    52.     Notice of applications    53.     Determination of applications for community treatment orders    54.     Requirements for treatment plans under community treatment orders    55.     Community treatment order may be made in absence of affected person    56.     Form and duration of community treatment orders        Division 2 - Operation of community treatment orders           57.     Duties and functions of affected person and mental health facility    58.     Breach of community treatment order    59.     Police assistance    60.     Procedures at facility after breach notice or breach order    61.     Review of affected person at mental health facility after breach order    61A.    Medical examination of detained affected persons    62.     Discharge and detention of affected persons    63.     Review of detained affected persons by Tribunal    64.     Purpose and findings of reviews        Division 3 - Revocation, variation and review of community treatment orders           65.     Variation or revocation of orders by Tribunal    66.     Revocation by director of community treatment    66A.    Notifications    67.     Appeals        CHAPTER 4 - CARE AND TREATMENT                PART 1 - RIGHTS OF PATIENTS OR DETAINED PERSONS, DESIGNATED CARERS AND PRINCIPAL CARE PROVIDERS        Division 1 - General           68.     Principles for care and treatment    69.     Offence to ill-treat patients    70.     Assistance of interpreters    71.     Designated carers    72.     Nomination of designated carers    72A.    Principal care providers    72B.    Requirement to consider information provided by other persons about patients or detained persons when making detention or discharge decisions        Division 2 - Notification and information sharing           73.     Information about medication    74.     Information to be given to persons to be detained    74A.    Information to be given to voluntary patients    75.     Notification to carers of initial detention    76.     Notification of mental health inquiries    77.     Notification to new involuntary patients of appeal rights    78.     Notifications to designated carers and principal care providers of events affecting patients or detained persons    79.     Discharge and other planning        Division 3 - Transfer of patients           80.     Transfer of patients to or from mental health facilities    81.     Transport of persons to and from mental health facilities and other health facilities          PART 2 - MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENTS        Division 1 - Preliminary           82.     Definitions        Division 2 - General provisions about mental health treatment           83.     Prohibited treatments    84.     Treatment may be given to patients    85.     Administration of excessive or inappropriate drugs    86.     Review of drug use in mental health facilities        Division 3 - Electro convulsive therapy           87.     Definitions    88.     Offences relating to administration of electro convulsive treatment    89.     When electro convulsive therapy may be administered    90.     Refusal of treatment by medical superintendent    91.     Informed consent requirements    92.     Person impaired by medication incapable of giving informed consent    93.     When electro convulsive therapy may be administered to persons other than involuntary patients or persons under 16    94.     When electro convulsive therapy may be administered to involuntary patients or persons under 16    95.     Tribunal to hold inquiries promptly    96.     Purpose and findings of ECT inquiries    97.     Electro convulsive therapy register          PART 3 - OTHER MEDICAL TREATMENTS           98.     Definitions    99.     Emergency surgery for involuntary patients    100.    Secretary may consent to surgery    101.    Tribunal may consent to surgery    102.    Special medical treatment    103.    Tribunal may consent to special medical treatment    104.    Effect of consents        CHAPTER 5 - ADMINISTRATION                PART 1 - ADMINISTRATIVE OBJECTIVES AND FUNCTIONS           105.    Objectives of New South Wales public health system    106.    Functions of Secretary    107.    Delegation    108.    Annual report          PART 2 - MENTAL HEALTH FACILITIES        Division 1 - Declared mental health facilities           109.    Establishment of declared mental health facilities    110.    Declared mental health facilities that are private mental health facilities    111.    Appointment of medical superintendents    112.    Appointment of deputy medical superintendents    113.    Directors and deputy directors of community treatment    114.    Psychiatric case managers        Division 2 - Private mental health facilities           115.    Application for licence    116.    Grant or refusal of licence    117.    Duration of licence    118.    Annual statement and licence fee    119.    Duplicate licence    120.    Cancellation of licences--generally    121.    Cancellation of licences--failure to show cause    122.    Variation of licence    123.    Provision of medical services in private mental health facilities    124.    Medical superintendents    125.    Deputy medical superintendents    126.    Unlicensed private mental health facilities    127.    Certain private health facilities to be licensed          PART 3 - OFFICIAL VISITORS AND ACCREDITED PERSONS           128.    Principal official visitor    129.    Official visitors    130.    General provisions relating to the Principal official visitor and official visitors    131.    Inspections of mental health facilities by official visitors    132.    Obligations to facilitate exercise of functions by official visitors    133.    Reports to Minister    134.    Request by patient or other person at mental health facility to see official visitor    134A.   Request by patient or other person at other health facility to see official visitor    135.    Official visitors not personally liable    136.    Accredited persons          PART 4 - INSPECTION POWERS           137.    Inspection of mental health facilities    138.    Powers of authorised officer to require information, evidence, production of records    139.    Protection from incrimination        CHAPTER 6 - MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW TRIBUNAL                PART 1 - THE TRIBUNAL           140.    Constitution of the Tribunal    141.    Membership of Tribunal    142.    Registrar and other staff of the Tribunal    143.    Authentication of documents    144.    Judicial notice of certain signatures    145.    Certain proceedings prohibited    146.    Application of Defamation Act 2005 to proceedings of Tribunal    147.    Annual report    148.    Delegation          PART 2 - PROCEDURES OF THE TRIBUNAL           149.    Application of Part    150.    Composition of Tribunal    151.    Procedure at meetings of Tribunal to be informal    152.    Legal representation of mentally ill persons and other persons    153.    Determination whether a person is a mentally ill person or mentally disordered person    154.    Rights of appearance and representation    155.    Adjournments    156.    Inspection etc of medical records    157.    Production of evidence    158.    Assistance of interpreters    159.    Record of proceedings    160.    Tribunal procedure generally    161.    Contempt of Tribunal    162.    Publication of names    162A.   Tribunal may request information or services from other agencies        CHAPTER 7 - JURISDICTION OF SUPREME COURT           163.    Appeals to the Court    164.    Power of the Court on appeals    165.    Panel of assessors    166.    Jurisdiction of Court to order discharge or transfer of detained person    167.    Other jurisdiction of the Court not affected    168.    Tribunal members not liable for costs        CHAPTER 8 - INTERSTATE APPLICATION OF MENTAL HEALTH LAWS                PART 1 - PRELIMINARY           169.    Object of Chapter    170.    Definitions    171.    Authority to enter into agreements    172.    Corresponding laws, documents and interstate community treatment orders    173.    New South Wales officers may exercise functions under corresponding laws          PART 2 - TRANSFER OF PATIENTS AND PERSONS        Division 1 - Transfer of persons from this State           174.    Admission of persons to mental health facilities in other States    175.    Effect of certificates    176.    Transfer of patients from this State        Division 2 - Transfer of persons to this State           177.    Admission of interstate persons to mental health facilities in this State    178.    Application of Acts to persons brought to mental health facility from outside this State    179.    Transfer of interstate persons to mental health facilities in this State    180.    Status of transferred persons          PART 3 - COMMUNITY TREATMENT ORDERS AND OTHER ORDERS           181.    Community treatment orders relating to interstate persons    182.    Interstate implementation of New South Wales orders    183.    Provision of services under interstate community treatment order    184.    Recognition of interstate community treatment orders          PART 4 - APPREHENSION OF PERSONS ABSENT FROM MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY OR IN BREACH OF ORDERS           185.    Recognition of warrants and orders    186.    Apprehension of interstate persons absent without leave or in breach of corresponding orders    187.    Regulations relating to apprehension of persons        CHAPTER 9 - MISCELLANEOUS           188.    Restrictions on holding of certain offices    189.    Disclosure of information    190.    Act does not limit or affect other powers    191.    Liability of certain persons exercising functions under this Act or the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990    192.    Service of documents    193.    Amendment of certain documents    194.    Approved forms    195.    Role of objects provisions    196.    Regulations    197.    Proceedings for offences    198.    Savings, transitional and other provisions    199.    (Repealed)    200.    Repeal of Mental Health Act 1990 No 9    201.    Review of Act    202.    COVID-19 pandemic--special provisions    203.    COVID-19 pandemic--examination by audio visual link for purpose of detention            SCHEDULE 1            Schedule 2 (Repealed)            SCHEDULE 3            SCHEDULE 3A            SCHEDULE 4            SCHEDULE 5            SCHEDULE 6            Schedule 7 (Repealed)      

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List of Declared Mental Health Facilities Nsw

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