
Change Color of Input Box With Else Conditional

The QInput component is used to capture text input from the user. It uses v-model, similar to a regular input. It has support for errors and validation, and comes in a variety of styles, colors, and types.

QInput API

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For your QInput you can use only one of the main designs (filled, outlined, standout, borderless). You cannot use multiple as they are self-exclusive.






One of the most appropriate use cases for Standout design is in a QToolbar:


The borderless design allows you to seamlessly integrate your QInput into other components without QInput drawing a border around itself or changing its background color:

Rounded design

The rounded prop only works along with Filled, Outlined and Standout designs, as showcased in the example below:

Square borders

The square prop only makes sense along with Filled, Outlined and Standout designs, as showcased in the example below:

Dark background

Basic features

Native attributes

All the attributes set on QInput that are not in the list of props in the API will be passed to the native field (input or textarea). Some examples: autocomplete, placeholder.

Please check these resources for more information about native attributes (for input check also the specific attributes for each type):

  • input
  • textarea


As a helper, you can use clearable prop so user can reset model to null through an appended icon. The second QInput in the example below is the equivalent of using clearable.

Input types

The following QInputs make use of the type prop in order to render native equivalent <input type="..."> inside of them.


Support and behavior is the subject entirely of the browser rendering the page and not Quasar's core code.


Some input types (like date or time) always render some controls, so you if you're using a label then you might want to set it along with stack-label, otherwise the label will overlap native browser controls.

Input of number type

You'll be using v-model.number (notice the number modifier) along with type="number" prop:

Input of file type


Instead of using a QInput with type="file", you might want to use QFile picker instead or even QUploader . However, should you wish to use QInput, please read the warning below.


Do NOT use a v-model when QInput is of type="file". Browser security policy does not allow a value to be set to such an input. As a result, you can only read it (attach an @update:model-value event), but not write it.


When you need QInput to grow along with its content, then use the autogrow prop like in the example below:

Prefix and suffix

Custom Label

Using the label slot you can customize the aspect of the label or add special features as QTooltip.


Do not forget to set the label-slot property.

If you want to interact with the content of the label (QTooltip) add the all-pointer-events class on the element in the slot.

Shadow text

Slots with QBtn type "submit"


When placing a QBtn with type "submit" in one of the "before", "after", "prepend", or "append" slots of a QField, QInput or QSelect, you should also add a @click listener on the QBtn in question. This listener should call the method that submits your form. All "click" events in such slots are not propagated to their parent elements.

Debouncing model

The role of debouncing is for times when you watch the model and do expensive operations on it. So you want to first let user type out before triggering the model update, rather than updating the model on each keystroke.

Loading state


You can force/help the user to input a specific format with help from mask prop.


Mask is only available if the type is one of 'text' (default), 'search', 'url', 'tel', or 'password'.

Below are mask tokens:

Token Description
# Numeric
S Letter, a to z, case insensitive
N Alphanumeric, case insensitive for letters
A Letter, transformed to uppercase
a Letter, transformed to lowercase
X Alphanumeric, transformed to uppercase for letters
x Alphanumeric, transformed to lowercase for letters

There are helpers for QInput mask prop: full list . You can use these for convenience (examples: "phone", "card") or write the string specifying your custom needs.

The unmasked-value is useful if for example you want to force the user type a certain format, but you want the model to contain the raw value:

The reverse-fill-mask is useful if you want to force the user to fill the mask from the end and allow non-fixed length of input:

Using third party mask processors

You can easily use any third party mask processor by doing a few small adjustments to your QInput.

Starting from a QInput like this:

                                                            <q-input                filled                v-model                                  =                  "price"                                label                                  =                  "Price with 2 decimals"                                mask                                  =                  "#.##"                                fill-mask                                  =                  "#"                                reverse-fill-mask                hint                                  =                  "Mask: #.00"                                input-class                                  =                  "text-right"                                />                                    

You can use v-money directive:

                                                            <q-field                filled                v-model                                  =                  "price"                                label                                  =                  "Price with v-money directive"                                hint                                  =                  "Mask: $ #,###.00 #"                                >                                                              <template                                  v-slot:control                                  =                  "{ id, floatingLabel, value, emitValue }"                                >                                                              <input                :id                                  =                  "id"                                class                                  =                  "q-field__input text-right"                                :model-value                                  =                  "value"                                @change                                  =                  "e => emitValue("                                v-money                                  =                  "moneyFormatForDirective"                                v-show                                  =                  "floatingLabel"                                >                                                              </template                >                                                              </q-field                >                                    
            moneyFormatForDirective:              {              decimal:              '.'              ,              thousands:              ','              ,              prefix:              '$ '              ,              suffix:              ' #'              ,              precision:              2              ,              masked:              false              /* doesn't work with directive */              }                      

Or you can use money component:

                                                            <q-field                filled                v-model                                  =                  "price"                                label                                  =                  "Price with v-money component"                                hint                                  =                  "Mask: $ #,###.00 #"                                >                                                              <template                                  v-slot:control                                  =                  "{ id, floatingLabel, value, emitValue }"                                >                                                              <money                :id                                  =                  "id"                                class                                  =                  "q-field__input text-right"                                :model-value                                  =                  "value"                                                  @update:model-value                                  =                  "emitValue"                                v-bind                                  =                  "moneyFormatForComponent"                                v-show                                  =                  "floatingLabel"                                />                                                              </template                >                                                              </q-field                >                                    
            moneyFormatForComponent:              {              decimal:              '.'              ,              thousands:              ','              ,              prefix:              '$ '              ,              suffix:              ' #'              ,              precision:              2              ,              masked:              true              }                      


Internal validation

You can validate QInput components with :rules prop. Specify array of embedded rules or your own validators. Your custom validator will be a function which returns true if validator succeeds or String with error message if it doesn't succeed.


By default, for perf reasons, a change in the rules does not trigger a new validation until the model changes. In order to trigger the validation when rules change too, then use reactive-rules Boolean prop. The downside is a performance penalty (so use it when you really need this only!) and it can be slightly mitigated by using a computed prop as value for the rules (and not specify them inline in the vue template).

This is so you can write convenient rules of shape like:

                          value              =>              condition              ||              errorMessage                      

For example:

                          value              =>              value.              includes              (              'Hello'              )              ||              'Field must contain word Hello'                      

You can reset the validation by calling resetValidation() method on the QInput.

There are helpers for QInput rules prop: full list . You can use these for convenience (examples: "date", "time", "hexColor", "rgbOrRgbaColor", "anyColor") or write the string specifying your custom needs.

If you set lazy-rules, validation starts after first blur. If lazy-rules is set to ondemand String, then validation will be triggered only when component's validate() method is manually called or when the wrapper QForm submits itself.

Async rules

Rules can be async too, by using async/await or by directly returning a Promise.


Consider coupling async rules with debounce prop to avoid calling the async rules immediately on each keystroke, which might be detrimental to performance.

External validation

You can also use external validation and only pass error and error-message (enable bottom-slots to display this error message).


Depending on your needs, you might connect Vuelidate (our recommended approach) or some other validation library to QInput.

You can also customize the slot for error message:

Native form submit

When dealing with a native form which has an action and a method (eg. when using Quasar with ASP.NET controllers), you need to specify the name property on QInput, otherwise formData will not contain it (if it should):

Change Color of Input Box With Else Conditional


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